Saturday, November 30, 2019


If DPMI services are subsequently used to switch the VM into protected mode, either a or bit mode is selected as one of the arguments. The third argument, Drive, is the 1-based volume number to which the function refers. This should not be a problem because Win32 programs should be using the DeviceloControl interface to communicate with VxDs. The last handler installed gets the first crack at handling the interrupt. Setup, Usage, and Extensions. I have thrown out some terms like Win32 services, protected-mode interrupts, and virtual- 86 interrupts. vchook 5.0

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vchook 5.0

Threads are blocked waiting for this critical section when claimHookerList is non-zero. As the ifsreq packet moves through the routines called by the handler, the members vxhook ifsreq are interpreted and changed in ways which are unique to each command.

Most of us equate filenames with strings like c: Why would IFSMgr do this? The forward-looking statements are not guarantees of the future performance of Pioneer, Evergreen or the combined company, and actual results may vary materially from the results and expectations discussed. This may happen when the target resource is a character FSD.


This reflects the fact that IFSMgr takes over the function tables for drives that are volume locked. The next column contains the function number. This establishes a shell resource for the local device and the volume- based function table which provides linkage to IFSMgr. This variable is global in scope; that is, it is visible across all VMs. Before doing 50, there are few more parameters which need to be set up: Actually, a better way to get a list of required modules is to look at the import list for Netscape using a utility like Quick View.

The FSDs will be loaded and initialized when the system starts up. On top of the client register structure is a group of members which are undocumented.

Will it be re-entrant?

vchook 5.0

This is the phase where we see the first entries in the log file for IFSMgr. This service simulates the interrupt into the current virtual machine the System VM. The ioctlsocket call requests that the socket operate in non-blocking mode.

Here is the declaration for the ParsedPath type: This service installs a path check routine and returns a previous path check routine. There are situations where Drive can have the value 0. Some special forms of UNC names are based on the use of a dot.

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An object will be created for each unique non-empty segment in the assembly language source. The vector argument in DS: This test is in the form of the following expression: Some implementation details of VFAT are examined, including initialization and registration, mounting a volume, opening a file, and locating a directory.

The first test involves the HookerFlags variable, which uses two bits of one byte of storage. For these cases, VWIN32 tries to perform an optimization.

This column reports flags that are passed to a function as part of the calling parameters. As its name suggests, IFSMgr is responsible for routing file system requests to the installed file systems. Each connection vchoook a unique remote server and share is represented by a shell resource. Figure shows that a Winl6 application interfaces with the bit Kernel, which in turn issues protected-mode interrupt 21h requests to IFSMgr.


There is no evidence that this is the case since the same dispatch address is used in the System VM as well as DOS boxes. Any file system request that vchok a volume may initiate a mount operation if that volume is not already mounted. The results column also contains three different forms of handles.

SFNs are split into two groups:

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