Wednesday, November 27, 2019


Looking forward to checking out the ones you posted here Great gain staging in particular. I purchased the full Amp package and am unbelievably impressed. I agree he uses too much ambiance for my tastes, but that can be remedied easily, and he and I approach distortion a little differently. Buy it from Glenn and just stick it on.. Just wanted to let you know I have just been trying out all the patches you created for the GT glenn delaune hd500 patches

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Have a super week and keep rockin.

Glenn Delaune AX8 Presets

I would love feedback also. I have hv500 2nd artist series and the boutique amp pack. I have won the San Antonio Guitar Wars 8 times overall and play an array of styles like yourself. I'm not as big on artist presets though, and I find a lot of them are hard to translate to my rig without some big tweaking. Someone mentioned adjusting low and high pass filters. At first I was a little lukewarm on them.

Glenn Delaune AX8 Presets | Fractal Audio Systems Forum

I was finally able to purchase your Helix patches delaunr week since my Helix finally came in. I really like them a lot because its stuff that I wouldn't have come up with on my own. Many are great, some are probably more useful for others.

Hi guys, Thank you so much for your continued support. IIRC Glenn just suggests a low and hi cut. Using other peoples patches and having to tweak them for your own gear means you may as glehn just make your own patches from scratch. Register a new account. I must be missing something because I can not find them anywhere?

glenn delaune hd500 patches

Share this post Link to post Share on other sites. Try other guitars as mentioned.

Feedback on Glenn DeLaune patches? | The Gear Page

The patches sound excellent Finding your web patcjes has been a blessing. You are here at the invitation and discretion of the owners. I'd never known of Glenn before trying the presets he posted for the AX8. But that's just me saying so, others may want to chime in about using them direct. Posted July 11, Posted April 3, Sign In Sign Up. I delaunf find myself using a few of his patches in my cover band.

I think i noticed it on his Gilmour pack.

Feedback on Glenn DeLaune patches?

Does that sound muffled? Download Instructions - Please Read!! For me its a big time saver.

Looks like I wasted three days. Never used any of them Judging by the good comments, I'm sure there is a remedy for this. Please give yourself a refresher on the forum rules you agreed to follow when you signed up.

glenn delaune hd500 patches

Like any other presets, IR's and so on that I have purchased Top is just spot on.

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